This webinar goes over the basics of using PBwiki. This webinar is perfect for both beginning users, as well as expert users who are looking for a better way to introduce PBwiki to their team or classroom.
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July 5, 2009 Subject:
VLC Player
Try using the VLC player to view it. Open source and free to download. Huh. Looks like mac's can't do everything :)
Reviewer:Sun aitis
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February 19, 2009 Subject:
You just stole half an hour of my life
I didn't believe the others. I thought that there is got to be a way to open the video, even an a Mac. I should have believed! (Flip4Mac doesn't work and none of the other players I tried)
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February 1, 2009 Subject:
What about Mac users?
Sounds like an indispensable tool for using PBwiki; so why did they make it a WMV file which can't be viewed on a Macintosh computer?
January 21, 2009 Subject:
I can't figure out where to click to start this thing. Try Google video. Simple.